One of the most important things a student who wants a credit card must do is a financial assessment of his/her current situation, research the net and the books, review which one has more rants than raves and question all the people to be involved in this credit card application. It is very important that the student knows everything that he/she is getting into before the actual request.
Its no fun at all applying for a card and just being rejected once or twice. That is why college credit cards were invented, to help small earners like you because you are still in college. But dont worry what you need to remember is to develop a good credit card history. Since you are starting you just need to be a wait a little. Remember patience is a virtue.
Here are certain things you need to remember:
– If you have your own place now, remember one thing. PAY YOUR BILLS ON TIME. That will definitely put a star in your potential to be a good credit card owner. Companies will see that and you might just be shocked by the number of companies wanting you as their customer. They will swarm to you like bees to honey.
– Credit cards can deceive us to...