For Newsletter Publishing Success Keep Your Focus on What Matters
The other day, I was having an email conversation with a friend about business goals.
She mentioned that she’d started a book only to realize she didn’t want to write one *right now* after all.
She had mixed feelings about the decision, though. After all, *everyone* says a good consultant *must* write a book. And she was feeling the pressure.
In a reply email, I offered her a piece of advice that, as soon as I’d typed it, I knew was really advice for *me* and not her.
Have you ever had that happen? You’re talking with someone and you hear yourself making a suggestion that you realize (on the spot or later on) is exactly what *you* needed to hear?
This final newsletter ingredient continues to be the hardest for me, I grapple with it in nearly every issue. See, persistence, and staying the course with your newsletter, is all about keeping your focus on the things that matter. Not letting yourself get distracted by all those *other* great ideas. The sections you *could* add to your newsletter. The design changes you *could* make. The requests and...