Many people believe that in order to get the best price for their home they need to sell it themselves. Why pay thousands of dollars to a broker for a job that they can do themselves? Even though close to 25 percent of the homes sold last year were sales by owner, at least half said they would hire a professional the next time around.
This is not to say you cannot complete a successful sale without a professional, but a home owner needs to understand the risks and be as organized and as knowledgeable about the sales process as any agent. Here are some of the main points to consider before you make your decision to fly solo:
Property Value
Realistic pricing of your home is crucial to the successful sale of your property. If it’s priced too low, you could potentially lose money. If it’s price too high, you may also lose money due to accumulated costs from the home remaining on the market for an extended length of time. Two years ago, when I sold my last home, there was a sale by owner in the same neighborhood. The property was priced much higher than it was worth, and last I heard, the place was still for sale.
Determining the value of...