For single or for sfigati there is a virtual companion
How long are you single? From what you see a girl on your bed, if only to sleep? Well Drew Burrows evidently a long time, since he is the inventor of virtual girl. The only flaw is that it is not in three dimensions , but the benefits are there for all to see, change position ee close to you based on your movements, does not speak and remains faithful over time.
La ragazza visibile grazie ad un proiettore e reagisce alle vostre azioni tramite un sistema di sensori infrarosso .Sicuramente non si pu paragonarla ad una bella ragazza in carne e ossa,ma diciamocelo,chi dopo una tremenda giornata di lavoro non vorrebbe raggomitolarsi con una dolce creatura? The girl is visible through a projector and reacts to your actions through a system of infrared sensors. Surely you can not compare to a beautiful girl in flesh and bones, but diciamocelo, who after a terrible day’s work would not want raggomitolarsi with a sweet...