Apart from the treatments, people who are already diagnosed for AMD can take some measures to improve their vision. There are several products available in the market to help people with low vision. This includes stand magnifiers, monoculars, binoculars, video magnifiers, reading machines and absorptive lenses. Most people get discouraged when using a particular device but you should not stop there try out various devices until you find the most suitable one for you.
The lighting arrangement can be changed to suit your need. Try to avoid glare in your home and office. Several types of special lights are available and you can test them for your needs.
If you are in the habit of reading, go for large print books, which are available in most libraries. Hand held magnifier can be used to read and view pictures.
While writing, write in large letters and increase the font while reading and writing in computers.
Patients in the advanced stage can make use of low vision aids.
Prevention is better than cure
Healthy habits can lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration. If there is a family history of AMD, you should take necessary...