Many of your property deals just end up just because you dont have enough funds when you need them. A thought comes in your mind to sell the property which you are having with you to buy the new one from sale proceeds. As everybody knows it takes lot of time to sell a property. It is very much possible that till the time you get the money, the property you have chosen is taken by some other buyer. So what will you do now, yes you can do nothing at that time. So to save yourself from such position you can take Short term property loans or bridging loans.
This is a loan that is usually taken out to solve a temporary cash shortfall that may arise when buying a property. Its like when you want to buy the second property before the sale of first one. These loans are secured by the property going to be sold as collateral. Following can be used as collateral:
Residential properties
Commercial & semi-commercial properties
Auction properties
Development sites
Buy to let properties
Retail shops
Land with planning permission etc.
Like any other short term loans these loans also comes with a higher rate of...