There are many financial markets in which to participate in order to make substantially better returns than putting your money in a CD or savings account. Some markets such as a money market or a typical bond market wont usually gain you double digit returns. However, there are some markets that can allow you to achieve double digit returns on your investments and this article will compare a couple of them.
The Forex Market, or FX Market as some term it, is one of those markets where you can make double digit gains. You can also make double digit gains in the Futures market as well. There are distinct differences between the two markets and you will want to know what they are before you enter into either one.
Forex Trading has the advantage of being more liquid than any other market, including the Futures Market. With the average daily volume in the Forex Market reaching close to 2 Trillion and the daily volume in the Futures Market reaching 30 Billion, there is no comparison. The liquidity in Foreign Currency Trading (Forex) far surpasses that in the Futures Market. This means when it comes time to trade, Forex Trades will be filled much...