Under normal operating conditions, forks should be inspected daily and given a thorough inspection every six months. Operators should make visual inspection of forks during the pre-start-up check before their work begins. The check will give special attention to permanent distortions and cracks. At six months a thorough inspection of forks should be done. This inspection should be done by a trained individual, to check for any cracks, distortion, and excessive wear on the forks. Forks may need inspections more often, depending on the use of the equipment.
The trained inspector at six months will check the fork blades for wear. Forks are constantly subjected to abrasion by concrete floors, steel shelving, etc. This abrasion can reduce the thickness of a fork until it cannot lift loads up to the designed capacity. The inspector will have a gauge to check for thickness.
The inspector will also check for distortion. Forks can be bent out of shape. Depending on distortion, some forks can be straightened. Check for cracks in heel and hanger. Cracks may appear on forks where attachments are welded on or in the inside radius of the bend area. Periodic inspection using a...