Form and function is both vital to a web design. Form is one base and function is another. Function without form is boring. Nonetheless, even if the form is impressive yet not functional it will be disappointing. Thus, there must be a symbiotic relationship between the two in order to give life to the site.
If a site is more of a marketing tool, it must incorporate visual and multimedia images to keep its form accurate. On the other hand, it must also offer helpful content in order to convey its marketability purpose.
The first thing that designers must do is to attain a good balance. In other words, function must first be known before its form can be developed. The equilibrium is always hard to achieve. In fact, some web designers are spending several years in order to perfect the form and function.
Equilibrium between balance and form is a must. However, the usual key problem is that sites often do not balance form and function. What are we to do then?
When this happen, do not put form over function. Always make function a priority. Then, create an attractive form to create it. What is the reason behind the choice? Basically, visitors come to...