At the backbone of every successful business is the repeat customer. While it is great to get referrals, it is important to realize that a referral may result in an interested individual taking a look at a business or store, but by and large curiosity rarely translates into sales. On the other hand, a customer who already knows what to expect, who understands your way of doing business, and who comes back for more is an almost guaranteed sale! Yet in a day and age when customer service is virtually and certifiably dead have you ever approached a store employee only to have the person shrug her or his shoulders and tell you its not their job? it becomes harder and harder to entice customers or clients to come back.
Nonetheless, here are four ways to guarantee repeat business:
1. Be careful whom you hire. He might be your Cousin Bettys favorite nephew, but if his attitude leaves something to be desired he will be more of an albatross around your business neck than an asset. Business and family sometimes do not mix well, and it may become rather awkward if you have to fire your kid sister, but the bottom line is simple: whoever is working for you is representing...