Ecommerce is essentially the art of meaningful connection. When online businesses perceive their role as merely seller they are liable to find themselves in a disconnect with their customers.
Connection # 1 Know Your Customer
The best step in connecting with your prospects is to learn what they want. This generally involves research and being willing to ask questions. There will be those that are captured by an idea and launch it without gaining an understanding as to the marketability of the product. This first point of connection is essentially the first building block needed for ultimate client connection.
Connection # 2 Content is King
Once you establish a product or service that is in concert with the expectations of the consumer, you need to establish a trustworthy website that provides information that allows the dots to connect for your visitor. Far too often websites simply provide a photo of the product and a brief description in the store section of the site.
In brick and mortar stores consumers are able to visit with a store clerk to determine the value of a product. With a website, you must find ways to answer their questions....