You know its happened to you. Your phone rings and its the important business call youve been waiting for. As you look at your children wildly circling you, you ask yourself, Do I take the call?
It leaves you wondering how other Mom Entrepreneurs handle at-home-business calls. Here are four quick tips:
1. Dont apologize. On the days my son, Cole (age four) is with me, there ARE times he talks or is noisy when Im on a business call. I used to say, Im sorry, my son is here But thankfully, Ive changed. Im grateful to Ponn Sabra, author of Empowering Women to Power Network for setting me straight. She told me to be proud my son is with me. And she is right. Now when I proudly state, My son is with me today, I find callers are gracious. Most reply with, Oh, thats wonderful! Enjoy your time with him.
2. Be prepared for the unexpected. As a mom, you wear many hats. When on the phone, always smile and project a good attitude. But be prepared to deal with unexpected situations. If children are disruptive during a call, remain calm. This is the time to have a sense of humor and make light of the situation. If the caller hears the background cries...