When you think about networking, do you visualize a bunch of people standing around schmoozing, trying to pitch their services to each other while exchanging business cards and elevator speeches?
You know, some people actually enjoy that sort of thing. And when they do it right (which is a rare talent), they reap genuine rewards. Rewards such as new clients, joint venture partners, knowledgeable advisors, helpful friends in other words, mutually beneficial relationships.
But for many of us, the idea of going to a networking event ranks right up there with bathing an angry cat. Even if we think it ought to be done, wed rather be flea food.
Dont worry. Theres much more and less to networking than you think! You can reap the same wonderful rewards without having to mingle with a bunch of strangers.
Important: With any kind of networking, the key is to build powerful relationships by giving. Give your attention, advice, ideas, suggestions, support, compliments, referrals and maybe even your business to others. Give, give, give then receive more than you can imagine!
There are many ways you can get freelance work by networking, even if you...