My transcriptionist lived in New Orleans until August 28, 2005, the day before Hurricane Katrina hit. She and her boyfriend and their four cats evacuated with two cars full of valuables and art and ‘irreplaceables’. They rode out the storm in Tennessee in a pet friendly hotel.
Eight weeks later they arrived in Portland after having gone back to New Orleans to pack up their belongings. For many months after they moved the reaction, when people would find out where they were from, was, ‘Wow, you’re a Katrina victim?’ Her response was always patient. ‘We weren’t really victims, like the people who couldn’t afford to leave, like the people who suffered in the aftermath. We had two cars, credit cards, cash and family support. We were inconvenienced, but hardly victims.’
On an even more positive note, she says, ‘This was a great move for me, a new life, new city, and I’m very happy for the change.’
Not everyone was as fortunate and this employee of mine has anger and sadness where the hurricane and subsequent nightmare of New Orleans is concerned, but she turned the upheaval into a fresh...