One of the top-rated sitcoms of the 1990s decade, Frasier follows the life and times of radio psychiatrist Dr. Frasier Crane. Recently divorced, Frasier moves back to his hometown of Seattle where he attempts to rekindle relationships with both his father and brother. Frasiers father, Martin Crane (John Mahoney) was recently shot in the line of duty and forced into retirement when the wound left him with a limp. Frasier and his brother Niles (David Hyde Pierce) agree to have Marty move in with Frasier. Soon thereafter, they hire Daphne Moon (Jane Leeves) as the housekeeper and Martins physical therapist. Frasiers colleague Roz Doyle makes recurring appearances throughout the series as well. One of the best written sitcoms of any era, Frasier is one of the few series in television history with hundreds of episodes which all hilarious
The Frasier (Season 5) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere Frasiers Imaginary Friend in which Frasier returns to Seattle from Acapulco where he enjoyed a blissful affair with a supermodel zoologist who, for personal reasons, asks him to keep their relationship a secret. But constant near-miss run-ins...