Actually nothing is entirely free. If you wish to invest little or no money into marketing your site, then you will have to spend a lot of time, energy and show some creativity.
I am sure there are other free and inexpensive ways to advertise on line in addition to those described in this article. I will try to research them and update this article as often as possible.
1.) Email Marketing
Use your site address as your Email signature. In addition to the address, you should also provide a short but meaningful description of the web site. (Example: -Top Job Search Engines And Career Advice ).
2.) Business Cards, Signs & Gifts
Web Master ( that is you ) can print business cards stating information about your web site. Vista Print ( offers free business cards. You pay only for shipping. When you meet people and tell them about the site, you should also give them cards with your web address.
It is also a good idea to buy inexpensive small magnetic signs with your web site address and short description, and attach them to your car. Other options for car advertisement are customized frame around...