Free classified ads are becoming one of the main ways home business owners are using to advertise their home business. Free classified ads will not take your business to the next level. Anyone telling you otherwise is just lying to you. Free classified ads were intended to make people aware of garage sales, sell cars, and items of that nature. Free classified ads were not originally intended for home business, MLM and for other network marketers to advertise in. Free classified ads have pretty much been swarmed with ads of all types of businesses. Posting in free classified ads will not get you the results you desire because there are way too many ads being posted. Most of the people in these sites are just looking to post their ad to get someone to signup for their opportunity. They are not looking to join another opportunity. This is just something to keep in mind if you are using free classified ads.
The reason why so many home business owners and MLMer’s are posting their ads in free classified ads sites is for one reason, and one reason only. They have no clue how to really market online, offline or in market in any other sense. I am also willing to bet that...