Free Credit Card Bonuses Are Pricey if You Fail to Pay Your Bill
The credit card business is a competitive one. It is also a very profitable one and the combination of the two explains why you seem to find a pre-approved application in the mailbox just about every day. A new customer is worth a lot to the companies that issue credit cards; most consumers will spend thousands of dollars in interest during the time they carry the card.
Because the business is so competitive, many card issuers offer various bonuses and incentives to help them acquire and keep customers. These incentives may include frequent flier miles, discounts on baseball tickets, cash back bonuses and more. For someone who has an interest in the particular type of bonus offered, these cards may offer a better value than another card of the same type. But consumers would be wise to remember that these bonuses are not offered out of kindness, they are offered in the expectation that you, the consumer, will pay the company far more than the bonuses are worth in interest. There is no such thing as a “free” bonus; the companies expect you to pay for them.
The average American...