Everybody likes a pleasant picture when working all day long on computers. Why not have this picture right on computer desktop ! Known as wallpaper, in short, your computer wallpaper brightens up your day and is a good distraction between long hours of work. A wallpaper is the backdrop on your computer screen. You can have different images in various graphic formats like jpeg, gif, png and bmp, among others. You must choose a wallpaper that offers the best resolution for your screen. The standard image resolution prevalent is 1280×1024, 1024×768.
Free wallpapers are in abundance at every imaginable website on the Internet. Download a free wallpaper on any topic of your choice. The arrangement depends on the type of image. You can arrange it centered, as a pattern of tiles or stretch it across the screen, with minimum distortion. You can also opt for a tile arrangement with patterns as they repeat themselves and seem to form a single image. A photo on the other hand is suited to a central arrangement against a background. Change your wallpaper daily or hourly, as you like. You may even set up a slide show of different wallpapers that doubles as a screen saver...