Free web content is, as a result of the basic and essential requirement for relevant, and substantial, information, a hot commodity on the Internet today. The Internet, after all, is a massive resource of readily available information served up on demand by search engines and, for the most part free.
Web content, plenty of it, relevant, and constantly changing is what ensures regular visits from the search engine spiders, it can quite literally be the critical success factor for any website, irrespective of its purpose. The Article Directory owner plays a valuable role in the free web content supply chain that needs to be understood in order for the directory to succeed.
Unfortunately, the Internet is littered with examples of webmasters falling foul of the put up an article directory, everyone supplies me with free web content, then a miracle happens and I get rich, equation. So, it is important to understand the free web content value proposition in order to manage an article directory successfully with best practise in mind.
Fundamentally webmasters want their sites to be found. People, looking for specific information, products, or services, typically,...