Most businesses, and many individuals with particular interests, have created websites. These websites are carefully created to include all of the relevant company and product information, and they may also include promotions or special offers to catch readers’ attention. Attention has been paid to every last detail, yet the website isn’t producing any traffic. The problem is that these businesses and individuals view their websites as part of their marketing package, rather than a separate marketing entity.
In order to have a successful website, it’s essential that the website be promoted. Marketing your website is every bit as important and advertising your business itself. It doesn’t take a lot of capital to market a website, especially if you take advantage of free website promotion that is readily available online.
If you have already started to promote your web site, make sure you keep it consistent and be persistent. People respond well to repetition, which is why marketing tools like slogans and jingles are so effective. For example, if you grew up in North America, you’re well acquainted with the old Alka Seltzer jingle. And...