There are many people searching the web now days looking for programs that are FREE to join. As a web site owner one can easily see this by monitoring the keywords that people use to search on the major search engines. Many people are searching for no fee home business, free to start work at home, no charge home based business and more.
There are many reasons why this is so prevalent. I think the major reason is that there are so many people who have gotten into programs that were unsuccessful and they feel turned out to be Scams.
There are indeed many Scams on the web now days, but some of the blame has to be put on ourselves. Many times we think we can spend a few dollars on a program and the checks will come flying in. When it does not happen that easily they quit call the program a scam and many times are hesitant to try again.
Another reason is that many people are working hard at their JOB and are barely paying the bills. They feel they either cannot afford to take the chance or really do not have the money to spend. Either way, I think as site owners many do not put these FREE to join programs on our site, because they know they will not make as much...