Fremont, California, is located in Alameda Count and 17 miles NW of San Jose, California. Fremont has a population of 203,413. Though the fourth largest town in the San Francisco Bay Area, Fremont retains its small town, friendly atmosphere. Fremonts proximity to many Silicon Valley companies, and its own position in the East Bay make Fremont a desirable place in which to live. Residents enjoy the natural beauty of the area, including sailing on Lake Elizabeth and outdoor sports. Institutions of higher learning include Ohlone College, a local community college. Fremont boasts a highly successful school district and a very diverse local population.
Fremont Homes
Fremont properties pool is 68,237 residential properties including Fremont new homes. The median age of real estate in Fremont is 1975. The average household size is 3.34 people. 3% are one bedroom homes, 14% are 2 bedroom homes, 42% are 3 bedroom homes, 33% are 4 bedroom homes, and 6% are 5+ bedroom homes.
Fremont Mortgage Statistics
Homes With No Mortgage 14%
Homes With Mortgage 86%
First Mortgage Only 65%
First & Second Mortgage or HELOC 21%
Fremont Area...