For millions of people a cup of coffee in the morning is the spark plug to get them started and able to face the battles they may encounter during the day. There are several different types of coffee one can choose from in order to suit their specific tastes. In addition, there are numerous different ways to prepare your coffee as well. You can either go to your local coffee shop or you can make your own cup of coffee at home. Most individuals brew their coffee with just an ordinary electronic coffee maker. However, there are better ways to make a good cup of coffee without spending big dollars on an extravagant cappuccino maker or something else equally expensive that are difficult to master and keep in good working condition. These expensive machines become outdated requiring you to purchase a new one every couple of years. The French press was invented over a hundred years ago. It has received a few improvements over the years but remains relatively the same today.
One of the best ways to prepare coffee is by using a French press coffee maker. A French press coffee maker is perfectly named for what it does. The basic operation of how it functions goes like this: You...