Seasoned and successful small business owners know the value of showing up in their customers lives. Because the more their customers see them, the more they buy.
Theres even a term for it frequency. According to, customers have to hear your message three times before they even think about buying, which makes frequency one of the most important activities of the dedicated business person.
Remember, your prospects buy when THEY are ready to buy, not when you’re ready to make the sale. (Hence, frequency is king because you have got to be in front of them when they ARE ready to buy and hopefully you’ve developed a bit of a relationship through your frequent contact in the process.)
The key point is that many of your prospects haven’t purchased yet because the timing wasn’t right. Tons of people assume those are “bad” leads, but actually they’re really great leads that just need a little time. If you don’t follow up with them frequently, they’ll get scooped up by your competitor who happens to pass by them when they’re ready to buy.
Often entrepreneurs achieve frequency through...