One of the best comedy series of the 1990s, Friends helped redefine “must-see” with its fellow Thursday night program Seinfeld. Following the lives of six friend living in New York City, the show was part comedy show, part soap opera, as fans focused on the relationships between the characters as well as their witty one-liners
The Friends (Season 10) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere “The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss” in which Joey and Rachel & Ross and Charlie decide to wait until Ross and Joey talk to each other before moving forward with their respective relationships. Joey is reluctant to bring up the subject, and Ross walks in on Joey and Rachel kissing. Meanwhile, Phoebe discovers that Mike has a girlfriend and Monica gets cornrows Other notable episodes from Season 10 include “The One With Rosss Tan” in which Joey and Rachel decide to be just friends once again and Ross gets a spray-on tan, and “The One Where Joey Speaks French” in which Monica and Rosss father suffers a heart attack and Phoebe teaches Joey how to speak French for an audition
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