Besides being a country that inhabits a diverse civilization; the United States of America also carries out diverse cultivation and processing of a wide variety of fruits. Fruits that are unique to America have gradually permeated the global fruit market thereby validating the advanced agricultural biodiversity that has developed across the US. A wide variety of fruits are cultivated in different parts of America; during different seasons.
Cranberry is a significant commercial crop of America; with Wisconsin as its leading producer. The second largest producer is Massachusetts and it also forms a major crop of Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, Maine and Washington. They are predominantly grown and found in the cooler parts of the Northern Hemisphere. The plant is a low shrub with slender stems; with small evergreen leaves. The berry (fruit) is larger in size than the plant leaves and develops a deep red color in its fully ripe phase. The fruit is a tad acidic sweet and possesses many antioxidant qualities. It is popularly known as the “superfruit” of America due to its rich nutrient content. While cranberries are sold in their fresh...