Gas powered Scooters are making a comeback as the preferred mode of transportation.
No longer are they just for kids. Gas powered scooters are rapidly taking over as the preferred method of transportation to work and school. They are economical, can maneuver through tight spaces and with a gas scooter, you can take short-cuts that an automobile can not.
Gas powered scooters are also known as mopeds which is a two-wheeled (normally) low powered vehicle. In most states its small size and low power output allow it to escape many of the licensing, insurance, and driver restrictions placed on motorcycles. However, be careful of the true description of moped.
a. A moped is traditionally defined as a motorized 2 wheel vehicle that is part human and part motor driven. A moped has pedals so that it can be propelled by human power. As you can see, gas powered scooters do not fit most states definition of moped.
Dont fret though, a gas scooter used properly will not get you into any trouble in most places. If used responsibly and traffic laws are obeyed, most law enforcement wont touch you.
Gas scooters were first introduced in the mid 1950s. The first...