Youve probably heard about credit cards that offer you rebates on gasoline purchases. With the price of gas rising and falling (but always staying high!), you might be curious about these gas-rebate credit cards. Are they right for you? The answer could be yes, as long as you have realistic expectations.
Gas rebate cards can be issued by gasoline companies or credit card companies. Generally, the ones issued by credit card companies offer more flexibility, because gas station credit cards require you to use the card at specific stores in order to realize your rebate.
Gas credit cards probably wont save you a fortune. They will save you a dollar or two each time you fill up your tank, which can add up to a couple hundred dollars at the end of the year. If youre creative, you can save even more. When you combine a gas rebate credit card with discount club prices, or use them to purchase and reload gas station gift cards that offer their own discounts, you can greatly increase your money-saving potential.
In some ways, gas rebate credit cards are better than standard credit cards. They typically have lower interest rates (depending on your credit score), and...