Feeling down about your rising gas bills? Gas rewards credit cards can help! These cards offer you a chance to earn money back on your fuel purchases. There are plenty of reward plans to choose from. Before you apply, heres what you need to know about gas rewards credit cards.
How Gas Rewards Credit Cards Work
Gas rewards credit cards are similar to cash back cards. Most operate on a percentage system. Every time you purchase fuel, a certain percentage of cash is returned to you. This usually ranges from 1 to 6%. So if you spend $200 on fuel each month and have a card that offers 5% cash back, you will receive a reward of $10 each month. Hows that for pumping fuel?
Some gas rewards credit cards operate on a point system. You earn points based on your fuel purchases. These points can then be redeemed for dollars. Your cash is returned to you either through a check in the mail or as a credit to your card statement.
Plenty of Options
Gas rewards credit cards come in many varieties. Some card companies offer gas cards that earn rewards only at certain gas stations. If you regularly fill up at one place, this may be a good choice for you. Other...