What is gastritis?
Gastritis, as any medical book would describe it, is the inflammation of the stomach lining. The term itself was derived from the Greek terms gastro- which literally means stomach, and itis meaning inflammation. This condition may manifest itself alone or as a symptom of an underlying medical condition. This may appear out of nowhere or develop slowly over time.
What causes gastritis?
Gastritis usually develops when the stomachs protective lining becomes overwhelmed or damaged. Without this mucus lining to shield the stomach walls, digestive acids may then irritate and inflame your stomach lining. A lot of factors may trigger gastritis, these include:
o Bacterial infection. The bacteria type helicobacter pylori may cause gastritis. Though it is said that everybody is infected with this type of bacteria, the majority of those infected dont manifest complications.
o Medications. Aspirin, Ibuprofen naproxen, and other non-steroidal inflammatory drugs may reduce a key substance that helps preserve the protective barrier of the stomach.
o Alcohol. Alcohol can irritate and erode the stomach lining, making the...