Some business owners arrive on social networking sites and immediately start working. They write hundreds of blogs, post many advertisements and start communications with many of the high profile networkers. They build huge networks within a couple of months.
After spending two or three months they suddenly start feeling disillusioned. They wonder why nobody has given them any business. After all they have made hundreds of new contacts haven’t they?
A few then start criticizing existing members of the sites and with a bang and a puff of smoke; they leave. Just at the point that they are starting to make an impact… they quit.
Generating business from social networking sites works differently from most other forms of marketing. It is almost impossible to generate immediate results unless you are very lucky.
It takes time for people to start trusting your online persona. How do we know you are who you say you are, until you have been around for a while? It takes more time to build real relationships with people that you have never met face to face, then in real life.
It takes time for the search engines to index your blogs and...