Genital Herpes – How Prevalent Is It And What Should You Do?
Genital herpes is a topic not readily discussed in the course of normal conversation however, if you’re aged 25 and over, and are sexually active with multiple partners then it would be wise to be tested for genital herpes.
A recent study in Australia ( May 2006 ) revealed at least one in eight people people in that country have genital herpes. If that sounds alarming then it should be. A first nation-wide study also found herpes was most prevalent in people aged 35 to 44 and city folk were more likely to be carrying the virus than their “country cousins.”
So what to do? Being a little less promiscuous could be the answer but this would only be a superficial fix. The problem lies in the fact that at least 80 per cent of people who have genital herpes don’t know they have it. And it’s fair to say those who contract the virus do so innocently. Affected people who pass it on and are unaware they have it, don’t experience the symptons. The obvious answer once again is to get tested especially if you’ve had multiple partners.
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