Genital warts symptoms can be many and varied, and in some cases can even be mistaken for something else. This is especially true if the genital HPV condition doesnt manifest itself in a physical manner such as warts.
A person can have all the genital warts symptoms and still not display any warts. Another reason for genital warts symptoms to be mistaken for something else lies in the fact that sometimes the genital warts themselves can be almost invisible to the naked eye.
In these cases your attending physician will take into consideration your genital warts symptoms and take additional steps to decide whether or not you have genital warts. This can be done in a number of methods, the most common of which is to dab a small bit of acetic acid (vinegar to the layperson), on the area suspected of having the warts.
Genital warts symptoms can also be missed if the warts are found within the vaginal walls. In this case the many genital warts symptoms can be thought of as symptoms of another condition such as a yeast infection. This is why it is always a good idea to seek immediate help if you start displaying any of the genital warts symptoms....