Every day you see television commercials for the latest germ-killing products on the market. Companies are constantly reminding you of the pesky, persistent bacteria that apparently attacks your home throughout the day. It’s remarkable that something so small, that you can only see with it a microscope, can be so harmful! But germs are real. However, you have to know what they are exactly to truly combat them. Here’s a guide to germs and how you can keep them out of your kitchen in particular.
Bathrooms have a bad reputation for hosting threatening germs, but this reputation is not really earned. Kitchens are where the majority of germs in your house are located. And that’s why it’s so important not to ignore them. It’s easy to forget that the invisible little buggers are lurking behind every corner, but if you do, they will certainly make your life a lot tougher.
The reason you can kill a germ, is because it is indeed a living organism! There are four kinds of germs: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Many germs may invade plants, animals and humans temporarily and with little consequence, and some germs are even good! For...