Get 5 Guitar Playing Tips to Help You Play Better Guitar.
In this helpful article, you will get guitar playing tips designed to help you improve your playing skills. So let’s get started…
1) The first guitar playing tip is to use good posture while playing the guitar
You should sit up straight in an armless chair. If the chair has arms, you will not be able to hold the guitar properly for playing. Sit up straight to protect your back.
If you get a backache after a bit of playing, you will realize how having good posture while playing the guitar is so important.
2) The next guitar playing tip is to hold the pick firmly but not too firmly.
If you do not grip the pick firmly enough, you may lose it during a vigorous bout of strumming! But if you grip it too tightly, you may find your whole arm getting tired. Middle of the road is the best guitar playing tip I can give you where pick grip is concerned.
3) Choosing the right pick is another guitar tip that is important.
Picks come in finger and flat styles. Most guitarists use a flat one. They also come in three different levels...