Credit card companies charge fees of some sort or another. The key is to find a card with the lowest fees for the services you use. For instance, if you use cash advances, then investigate those fees with credit card companies before you sign up with them.
Upfront Fees
Not every credit card program has upfront fees, so it pays to shop around for the right card. For instance, annual fees are common on cards with fixed or low rates. In the right circumstance, this fee with the right rate can save you money.
You will also find cash advance fees, either a flat rate or percentage. Not all cards charge this, but usually they have higher APRs. It is important to read the terms if you plan on using this feature.
Balance-transfer fees also can be charged, usually when you use a check sent by the credit card company. Some programs offer no fees or low rates for transfers, especially with an introductory offer.
Extra Fees
Extra fees can often be avoid but should still be researched. Late payment, over-the-credit-limit, or credit increase can all result in extra dollars. Less common are set-up, return item, or telephone ordering fees. Unless a card...