Before you choose a credit card it would be wise to first find out the interest rates offered by all the credit card companies and banks. While you compare credit card companies and banks, take note of the ones with low interest rates and offer the best benefits. Dont miss the fine print as that is where the most important information is usually given. Fine prints almost always specify the conditions applied on using their service.
It is generally a wise decision to go with a credit card that has a low interest rate. A low interest rate would almost always mean that using the credit wouldnt eat up your savings.
One of the strategies of many banks and credit card companies to attract members is to offer an introductory low interest rate then hike up the rate after a certain period. It is therefore advisable to inquire how long the initial low interest rate would last.
To switch to them, some credit card companies and banks would waive fees if you transfer balances to them from your old card. The fees asked by banks for transfers are actually interest rates in disguise. Make sure that a low fee, which is equivalent to a low interest rate, is charged to you...