How do you go about obtaining a loan if you have a poor credit score? Is it even possible if you have declared bankruptcy? Well, the short answer is yes. It may be difficult however, so you should be ready to put up with a few rejections. You should also be ready to accept higher interest rates and tighter restrictions. You should also be wary of disreputable loan companies who specifically target those with poor credit ratings and offer them loans with excessive interest rates, unfair terms and very high penalties. With offers like this, it may be that you are better off without the loan than with it.
There are a variety of possibilities available however and some of them are worth considering. They range from unsecured credit cards, to mortgages secured over your home. Everyone, before taking on extra debt, should carefully assess how much they can afford, what are their needs and how much do they need to borrow. Lenders will need to see evidence of income so if you try to borrow a very large amount, you will likely be turned down. However, it is often possible to borrow far more than you can reasonably afford so think about how much you ask for too. If your credit...