If you have been smoking cigarettes for one year or many years, youll know how addictive they are. Your body gets used to the nicotine and the smoking habit, and it lets you know when you need to have a smoke break. What if you could free yourself of that craving, and improve your health at the same time? A stop-smoking vaccine, or injection, can help you do just that.
There are various methods and products available to help you quit smoking, and each one of them is effective for some people but not for others. Some of these methods include natural herbs, nicotine-free cigarettes, nicotine gum and patches. One of the methods that has proven to be most effective, with over 70 per cent of smokers having success in quitting, is the stop-smoking vaccine.
The vaccine, which must be administered by a doctor, works rapidly once you receive it to block the receptors in your brain which recognize and crave nicotine. Stopping the craving for nicotine is the most difficult and important part in quitting smoking, and the results of this vaccine show themselves almost overnight. Once you no longer have to worry about craving nicotine, you will have more energy and willpower...