Have you ever felt that you’ve had the perfect item to sell on eBay? Have you done your research and you know that others are selling the same thing with great success? Yet when you list the same item, you’re shocked when you don’t even get one bid. Why is that? You know it’s a hot item, and you’ve heard all the buzz, but now you’re stuck with an item no one will bid on. Often, even the hottest items won’t sell on eBay due to a saturated market. Digital cameras are very popular but how many cameras does the average person need? So what are you going to do? Don’t give up! This just might be the place where you need to do a little creative marketing.
First, remember that it’s always important to test market your product first. Buy a small number of the item you’re interested in selling on eBay. If those sell as you had hoped then you can buy more. Never buy in bulk until you know how well your product will do. You don’t want to end up with a garage full of electronic widgets that no one wants.
When selling on eBay run your test market on two or three different items at the same time as opposed to...