In the 1940’s licorice was discovered to be useful in treating peptic ulcers. Unfortunately it had side effects that lead to high blood pressure, potassium loss, and fluid retention.
Researchers discovered that the ingredient in licorice that caused those side effects was “glycyrrhizin.” They were able to remove 97% of this chemical and the result was a product call “deglycyrrhizinated” licorice, DGL. DGL maintained its healing properties but had no side effects.
DGL was first used to heal ulcers in the stomach and duodenum without suppressing stomach acids. DGL worked just as good as the drugs Zantac or Tagamet that are designed to suppress stomach acid.
As more people used DGL, they found they got relief from a variety of stomach issues – heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, bloating, and gas. In addition, they found using DGL was better than using antacids or acid blockers.
DGL works by improving and restoring the integrity of the esophageal, stomach and duodenum lining. It does this by promoting mucus release and cell rebuilding. The mucus released provides gastrointestinal lining protection from...