You look outside the window and you realize it is raining. The wind is blowing hard against the oak tree out in your backyard and the tree dances with the tune of the wind. You pour yourself a cup of coffee and sit behind the desk of your study and find yourself staring at your grandfather clock, which stands across the room. You cast a glance at the keyboard of the computer in front of you and your mind wanders off into another place and another time.
Get in the Mood for Writing
Many people love to write and that is not just a mere fact. However, to write is no easy task. You need to know what you write and you need to feel what you write. Most of the time, there are just certain circumstances and moods that draw you to start scribbling or tapping those keys on the keyboard. Stories can just pop out of your head from the things you see everyday, things that when put together with the right setting and mood, could inspire you to write.
A grandfather clock exudes an aura of elegance, grace, and a certain ambient mood to any room it is situated in. With a grandfather clock and the right literary catalyst, you will find yourself transported in a world vivid...