What You Can Do for Yourself
Review your specific obligations that creditors claim you owe to make certain you really owe them. If you dispute a debt, first contact the creditor directly to resolve your questions. If you still have questions about the validity of the debt or the collection practices, contact your state or local consumer protection office or state Attorney General.
Contact your creditors to let them know you’re having difficulty making your payments. Ideally, this should be done before a payment is late or missed. Tell them why you’re having trouble — perhaps it’s because you or a spouse recently lost a job or have unexpected medical bills. Try to work out an acceptable payment schedule with your creditors. Most are willing to work with you and will appreciate your honesty and forthrightness. Many have “hardship programs” which provide for adjustment of payments for a period of time.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Law prohibits a debt collector from showing what you owe to anyone but your attorney, harassing or threatening you, using false statements, giving false information about you to anyone, and...