Are you a fire-fighter? Many clever confident people are held back in the main by a single weakness. They are totally disorganised. This can lead to procrastination, fire-fighting and eventually total failure.
Diagnosis is the first step to recovery. If you can recognise this weakness in yourself, you can take steps to eliminate this disadvantage. If you are disorganised you are at a disadvantage. Look at all of the most successful people in the world. They are all well organised. If they have a difficulty in this area, they employ a personal secretary to organise things for them.
Assuming that you are not in a position to employ an organiser we will have a look at some improvements that you can make.
1. Prioritise. The first thing to do is to look at the work that you have on your desk (or garden, shop, workplace etc.) and decide what must be done first. Decide what you must do immediately or pay the consequences, e.g. pay your suppliers. Then decide what should be done as soon as possible. Then what should be done if you can. Then what it would be nice to do if you can. Then dump the rest. Do not have it cluttering up your desk getting the way of...