Getting out of debt is very difficult. However to make your financial future safe and secure, you should be able to get out of debt. Otherwise, you may end up in a debt trap that is taking a debt just to repay the older debt. Many persons, corporation and even countries are faced with this dilemma. Therefore people are unable to do savings or investments for their and their children’s future.
Live within your means. Don’t splurge on the latest SUV just because your sister has bought it too. The repayment options can be pretty stiff. Also you must budget for the interest that you need to pay or EMIs every month. You might have to also put up a collateral or the loan that you take. Therefore its become essential that for getting out of debt you must bring some financial streamlining in their transactions. Pay up the small debts first; it can be as simple as cash withdrawal of $50 on your credit card. However, remember that cash withdrawals also incur a charge. If not paid within a year, it can balloon to a sizable amount.
Try to pay back the loans for goods and services not required by you. Of course if you have just the last few installments left, then...