Being in a loving relationship is what everyone dreams of. If you are in a relationship, you usually try your best to make it work. You try to devote your time, give your partner the attention she needs and even make some personal compromises. Unfortunately, not all relationships work out the way you want to. As time passes, you or your partner may realize that you are not compatible with each other and decide to break up.
Breaking up can be done amicably if you and your partner are both prepared to accept that your relationship can not move on any further. But what if you or your partner did not see any signs that the relationship is about to end? These breakups can be devastating and you may feel extremely sad. Grieving over the end of a relationship is normal. It is even considered to be healthy. But in some case, the sadness is prolonged and turns into depression.
If you are experiencing depression due to a break-up, you maybe exhibiting some of the classic signs. You may refuse to eat, have difficulty sleeping, feels tired all the time and sometimes cry inconsolably. You may also suffer from mood swings, making you feel extremely happy one moment and very sad...