Online paid surveys is a very popular part of the work at home market place. It has grown in popularity due to the simplicity of what is required and the minimum fee’s to get started making money.
Many people have the dream of working at home, spending more time with their family and just raising their lifestyle a bit. People in droves have found this little niche in the online market place to make their money on a daily basis.
It’s popularity can be seen by the types of searches that are being made on a daily basis such as get paid for survey, get paid for online survey, get paid to fill out survey, paid online survey, free paid survey and get paid to take survey. This is just a few examples of the hundreds of phrases being searched daily.
There are several misconceptions to the paid survey arena in my opinion. Many people think they can sign up with a survey company, take surveys and the money just starts flowing in. Wrong! Many of the survey companies offer entries into a sweepstakes contest, whereby you can win a prize. If you don’t win you get nothing. This takes up a lot of valuable time in my opinion when you should be able to focus...