In the modern world, credit cards have become a basic necessity. Between the ease of using them for shopping, whether in person or online, and the necessity of having one in order to do simple things like make hotel and car reservations, its difficult to impossible to go without one for long. So as long as you have to have one, you may as well be getting some benefit out of it. Different credit cards come with a vast array of rewards programs that can be redeemed for a variety of products and services, so check out the available options and get a card that actually feels rewarding.
If you have the travel bug, or frequently travel on business, you should consider getting a frequent flier credit card. These credit cards earn you air miles for the purchases that you make on your card and, depending upon the card sponsor, may even give you double benefits for spending at specific venues. Frequent flier credit cards can be sponsored either by a bank, or by an airline, and which type of card-sponsorship you chose can change the benefits you will get.
If you chose an airline-sponsored card, you will get benefits like air miles and airport lounge privileges, but only with...