You are in urgent need of money while your next salary is still say two weeks away. Being a working class person you do not have any other source of income. In cases like this instant loans provide you ready money just when you need most. You can put instant loans to various usages like works of home improvements, enjoying a holiday trip, making payments for education or wedding bills etc.
As the term applies instant loans are approved quickly and the loan is deposited in the bank account of the borrower within 24 hours. The loan gets quickly processed as no credit check is done by the lenders. Instant loans are secured against borrowers next month paycheque. The borrower issues a postdated cheque of the borrowed amount to the lender. On the due date lender cashes the cheque from the borrowers bank account and the loan is paid back.
Instant loans are generally availed for a shorter period of up to a month. Because of short repayment term, lenders provide instant loans at very high interest rate. The loan amount in instant loan depends on the salary the borrower draws. Generally lenders provide 100 to 1000 as instant loans. If borrowers have a good credit history...